Frantisek wrote on 13.10.04 11:44:

> 1) AF speed always sucks with contrast-detect systems (from the CCD
> itself) compared to phase-detect in SLRs, especially in lower light
Untrue :-) AF speed in Sony DSC-F828 and cheapo Ricoh Caplio G3 is actually
better in low light than in *istD... I've checked it many times with my

> 2) modern DSLRs have iso 800 performance as good as this at iso 80 or
> 100.
True. But you need 2.8 lens to use it fully. If someone has only f5.6, you
gain nothing, as good digicams have often f2.0-2.8 lenses...

> 3) continuous AF? Does it have it?
Most of modern, hi-end digicams have it, I don't know how effective that is

> 4) EVF sucks

> 5) the lens seems very good and optimised for the small sensor
They are often optimised, althought Sony F828 shows excessive amount of CA,
so that's not as good...

Best Regards

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