I've been waiting for this to come up again to ask a dumb question.
If an istD is 6MP at 12bits per pixel this would be about 9MB of raw sensor
The .PEF files are a little over 12MB in size.
What information is contained in the additional ~3MB?
Or is the file simply "padded" to 2 bytes per pixel?
This has probably been answered 100 times already but I don't seem to be
able to find a simple answer in the archives.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Steve Jolly [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, October 21, 2004 5:13 AM
> Subject: Yet Another Discussion of Bayer Sensor Resolutions (was Re:
> MZ-S discontinued?)
> Toralf Lund wrote:
> > I haven't tried doing the actual maths, but I would assume that no
> > algorithm can be proven to give you more than 2MPs worth of information
> > *in the general case*. On the other hand, you might probably show that
> > they can give you more than that (up to 6MP) under certain specific
> > conditions. I think the trick to it all is being able to make
> > assumptions about the conditions (i.e. luminance phenomena) that hold
> > most of the time.
> That sounds reasonable to me - except that as described, you can get 3MP
> out of the green channel using just a half-decent interpolation
> algorithm.  The cases where you *can't* get more than that by using the
> other channels are the cases where the brightness of the image varies
> significantly between the channels - photos with strong colour casts are
> the only obvious example that comes to mind.  (Indeed, if photographing
> a scene lit only with red or blue light, you'd only get 1.5MP of
> information.  It's fascinating - analogous to the days of orthochromatic
> film. :-)
> S

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