On Fri, 22 Oct 2004 20:17:19 -0400, Paul Stenquist
> Okay, I found the pic. Here's a quick PS touch up with
> highlights/shadows and the burn tool. Some of the soap sculptures
> reveal detail. A few in the back row are too burned out for that. But
> the shot can definitely be tweaked.
> Paul
> http://www.photo.net/photodb/photo?photo_id=2810807

Thanks, Paul,

Your version is much improved over mine.  In fact, it's pretty close
to the print, so part of the problem here is my photoshop-ability,
although all the exposure/developing techniques that have been
discussed would have likely made a print that would have looked much
better without the tweaking.

Before this thread degenerates much more than it already has <vbg>  I
should thank you, Shel, Tom and Bill and everyone else for your
thoughts/comments/expertise on what I should do in the future in such
difficult lighting situations.

I'm going to my lab this afternoon on my way home from a rather
interesting protest that a friend of mine asked me to go shoot (maybe
more on that later), and I'll discuss all of what we've been talking
about here with Robert the Lab Guy.

thanks again,

"Sharpness is a bourgeois concept."  -Henri Cartier-Bresson

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