You took what was intended as an comment agreeing with your post as critizism of it. I only used your tag line as a reference point. Please notice how I craftily divided my two comments into separate paragraphs. That is a "technique". It indicates they are separate remarks.


Paul Stenquist wrote:
Of course you took my remark out of context. It came at the end of a discussion of technique.

On Oct 22, 2004, at 10:04 PM, Graywolf wrote:

Reminds me of the old story. How do you become a writer? Well, first, you have to have something to say.

But once that is accomplished, whether you trying to write or to make a photo, it helps if you understand a little about technique.


Paul Stenquist wrote:

In any case, you're doing a lot of great work. You have a good eye and good instincts. Both are much more important than technical know how.

-- graywolf

-- graywolf

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