
Shel Belinkoff wrote:

She wasn't making a pitch at all.

The barrier of a common language rears its head again. I meant pitch as in camping, not as in place to sell your wares. It's such an odd place for some one to have (presumably) slept, that it looks like you have said to a model "We need some homeless shots. Just stretch yourself out there, please." Incongruous is the word for it. Your explanation does not make it any less so. I would like to know what she was doing there. So, at that level, the picture works for me. Technically, there are so many shortcomings with presenting stuff on a monitor that I only feel I can comment on obviously cureable problems. Jostein has mentioned a possibility for dealing with the highlight problem.

AFAIK, the check went out a while ago.  I'd been under the weather and
passed your last message off to my part time office assistant.  I'll look
further into the matter when Becky comes in on Tuesday.  Don't know why you
can't reach me off list.  Have you gotten a message of some sort from my
spam blocker?

OK, thanks. No message from spam blocker. I'll try to raise Ed this weekend and see if he knows anything.


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