Somehow, Maris I don't think ~you~ need a wake-up call ... some people,
however, most certainly do.


> [Original Message]
> From: Maris V. Lidaka Sr. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Good photo, Shel - your photos are often a wake-up call to those of us
> fortunate.
> Maris
> Shel Belinkoff wrote:
> > Some people have lives of comfort and luxury, and can be entertained
> > by breakfast in a warm, comfortable bed: juice, toast, coffee, the
> > morning paper, all delivered and presented by someone who cares for
> > them.  Others don't have quite the same luxuries, but still can enjoy
> > a simpler, and perhaps not as comfortable, breakfast in bed.
> >
> > The scan on this one sucks.  For some reason I could not get the
> > details in the highlights that I could get when I made the darkroom
> > print.
> >
> > CAVEAT:  If you don't like my photos of the homeless or the portrayal
> > of those less fortunate than yourself, then don't look at this photo.
> >
> >

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