At what point did Shel post a social or political rant.  I believe he
responded to another poster who had made some unseemly remarks based on not
actually seeing the photograph, who misrepresented the conytents of the
image.  I don't believe we've heard much more from him other than in
RESPONSE to a  message from Rob Studdet thanking him for his comment and
explaing a point.  From your heated and intense comments its quite possible
that you are the one with an agenda, or have a problem.

There's what is supposedly an ancient Buddhist expression that says, "When
you see a worthy person, endeavor to emulate them, and when you see an
unworthy person, examine your inner self."  May I humbly suggest you put on
a pair of proctologist's gloves.

Jerry Todd
Dancing Frog Studio
Calaveras, CA

> [Original Message]
> From: Caveman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: 10/29/2004 8:36:33 PM
> Subject: Re: PAW PESO - Breakfast in Bed
> frank theriault wrote:
> > Whatever you think of Shel's photo, that's all it is:  a photo.
> I objected to his social/political rant, not to him taking photos.
> > I don't understand why it is that Shel is accused of starting debates,
> > or having political motives, or of having an agenda.   Why is it that
> > no one yelled at him .....
> Frank, I never "yelled at you" although you have also posted many pics 
> of "ugliness" in many of its forms. The difference was that you asked 
> what we think about the photos, whithout accompanying them with rants. 
> What Shel is doing is to first "innocently" post the pics, then to add 
> in the threads that follow social/political rants. Which makes me think 
> that he's doing that on purpose and the pics are just pretexts.

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