Exactly. I'm curious myself. I trust the open aperture metering, but I'm also curious how much of a delta there is between that and the fixed aperture metering.

Shel Belinkoff wrote:
It's not a matter of faith. Checking and calibrating one's equipment
negates the need for faith.

It's not that I don't trust open aperture metering ... I'm just trying to
see if there's any significant difference in results between open aperture
and stopped down readings, which is actually incidental to the original
intent of comparing two lenses which are said to be the same optically, one
of which operates with stop down metering.


[Original Message]
From: John Whittingham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Well if you cannot trust open aperture metering and feel it necessary to


the lens stopped down for accuracy then who's to say how the camera would perform when set to the exposure reading from an external meter? You have


have some faith in the equipment you use, don't you?

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