Paul Stenquist wrote:

> Hi Ann,
> I remember being able to go into the tower as well. But that was then,
> and this is now. Today, it's part of the North Michigan Avenue
> neighborhood, which is a neighborhood of skyscrapers, big hotels, and
> big money.

I know -- I got to stay at one of them fancy places in 1998 for the National
Scarbble Championship.
THe place I lived as achild is now The Best Western Inn of Chicago.  IT had
been (but you may know,
THe St Clair hotel.

> I'm pleased that the Water Tower is still there, and I can't
> shed too many tears for what used to be. Chicago is so much more than
> it was forty or fifty years ago, and that's a good thing.

Ok, Martha (har)

> Some of the
> old  has been preserved. The rest has perished. But I'm thankful for
> what remains, and I enjoy photographing it in its new environment.
> Paul

I thought it unfortunate that so many boring high rises went up farther north
, along the lake,
blocking out the lake access we had back then and the view of the lake...
When the old Edgewarter Beach
Hotel was torn down - that was sad for me, it was so handsome...

Btw I'm using Mozilla to browse now so my photo-net woes are over... wow what
a difference!


> On Nov 13, 2004, at 2:45 PM, Ann Sanfedele wrote:
> > Paul Stenquist wrote:
> >
> >> Here's another shot from my Chicago walkaround of a couple of weeks
> >> ago. After the Wrigley building, it's probably the most
> >> over-photographed structure in Chicago. I tried to get a fresh
> >> perspective by juxtaposing it against another structure. My main
> >> subject is in shade, the backdrop in full sun. Shot with the *istD and
> >> the DA 16-45 at 18mm, f8, ISO 200, 1/250. (Don't you just love
> >> metadata?:-) It's here:
> >>
> >
> > Oooh, that makes me very sad, Paul.
> > I spent my very early childhood in that neigborhood and at that time
> > you
> > could still
> > go into the tower.  And there was no skyscraper behind it to ruin the
> > view
> > from the
> > outside.  The building behind it is hideous, and there is quite a bit
> > of
> > wonderful
> > architecture in my home town.
> >
> > Hard for me to block out my opinion of the subject matter - but that
> > being
> > said,
> > I think this doesn't quite work photographically - a bit too busy,
> > unlike
> > your
> > recent gorgeous car shot (you know the one I like, the old car
> > profile.)
> >
> > But I have to scroll on my 'puter to see the whole thing too.
> >
> > annsan
> >
> >

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