On page 179, with the custom setting for "using aperture ring" set to 
"permitted" and the camera in manual mode, it states that when depth of field 
is checked (Preview), AE metering is switched on. Is this not what
happens when the green button on the *ist-D is depressed? 

----- Original Message -----
From: John Francis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tuesday, November 16, 2004 12:44 pm
Subject: Re: *ist-DS english manual

> Alin Flaider mused:
> > 
> >   [.  .  .  .]
> >   With regard to aperture-set-from-the-lens implementation: in 
> manual>   mode one can only check out the difference from metered 
> exposure by
> >   pressing the DOF lever; there is no provision for automatic 
> setting>   of the speed value like the *ist d does. Too bad, it 
> renders old
> >   lenses almost useless.
> Are you sure?  The first reports on the *ist-Ds that were posted here
> said that this ability was available (though by pushing the AE-L 
> button,since there is no "green button")
> Maybe when somebody actually gets a *ist-Ds we'll know the real story.
> I know there's no mention of it in the manual.  But there's no mention
> of "green button" mode in the *ist-D manual, either.

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