Hello, Pentax people! :)

AF>   Consequently, there's no wonder we have no display of selected meter
AF>   mode neither in the viewfinder nor on the back LCD. Digging through
AF>   the menus is in order to find out what the meter mode is.

There is! LCD Panel on top shows the metering mode (page 22 in

AF>   It's still not obvious if the spot meter can be
AF>   used in manual mode or it is restricted to the AE lock operation.

I guess it can be used. You can choose spot metering from the AE menu
(page 130).

AF>   With regard to aperture-set-from-the-lens implementation: in manual
AF>   mode one can only check out the difference from metered exposure by
AF>   pressing the DOF lever; there is no provision for automatic setting
AF>   of the speed value like the *ist d does.

Page 142 says: "If exposure mode is M (Manual), aperture and shutter
speed are adjusted to set the appropriate exposure when the AE-L
button is pressed." So I guess that it works like the previous reports

Then, page 139: "The aperture and shutter speed are automatically
adjusted to the appropriate exposure at that moment if the [AE-L]
button is pressed in a M (Manual) mode. Shutter speed is adjusted to
appropriate exposure according to lens aperture when lens aperture is
not set to s position.

Further, page 179, "Notes on using aperture ring" differentiates
between two modes:
Av (Aperture Priority) : "Pictures can be taken with the specified
aperture value but an exposure error may occur. In the viewfinder,
[F--] appears for the aperture indicator."
M (Manual) : "Pictures can be taken with the set aperture value and
shutter speed. In the viewfinder, [F--] appears for the aperture
indicator. When depth of field is checked (Preview), AE Metering is
switched on. Exposure check is possible."

So I guess the support for old lenses is similar to *istD's.

Other things I found worth mentioning:
* 2 sec timer with MLU,
* blown highlights in instant-review or playback,
* flash compensation,
* automatic sensitivity (ISO) adjustment (can be set to off, 1600 or
3200 max).

What I think I would miss:
* continuos AF accessible only in "sport" mode,
* battery pack accessory to make it easier to hold.

Otherwise, I think it must be a great camera and I am looking forward
to buy one.

Best regards,
a lurker from Riga, Latvia

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