Hi Juan ...

My first comment is that I like the photos, the images.  They definitely
have your stamp on them.

The mid range tones look a little compressed, the silvery grey tones so
characteristic of  Tri-X seem to be missing. Some of the pics look like
they're underexposed a scosh, although I do like they way they look apart
from the somewhat compressed mid tones.  But I'm a mid tone kind of guy
;-)) Have you tried the double layered Hue Saturation technique for
converting to B&W?  

Where did you get the settings that emulate Tri-X?

I'd like to see these, or at least some of them, larger (the women with the
dog, guy with buckets, and the Chinese market pics).  Can you put them up
somewhere with an 800 or so pixel width?


> [Original Message]
> From: Juan Buhler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> My name is Juan and I am a Tri-X user.
> Slowly, I am getting familiar with the ist D as a street camera. Today
> I went out shooting, trying to forget that it is a digital camera that
> takes color, and thinking as I usually do, in black and white.

> All these six pictures are istD/FA16-45, taken to BW in Photoshop via
> channel mixer, using settings that try to imitate how Tri-X renders
> color tones:
> http://www.flickr.com/photos/tags/jbstreet/show/
> [that goes to a nice flickr slideshow--if that doesn't work, go here
> and click on the thumbnails:]
> http://www.flickr.com/photos/tags/jbstreet
> Comments appreciated.
> j
> -- 
> Juan Buhler
> http://www.jbuhler.com
> blog at http://www.jbuhler.com/blog

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