What with all the recent discussion on "best" lenses, etc. I've been wondering....

What would make a good "normal" lens for an *istD or *istDS? I'm not looking of "best" but what lenses made by Pentax would give a good image, comparable to something like 50/1.4 or 50/1.7? What wide angle lenses would make good "replacements" For reference, I'm not thinking AF, but rather something older, even screw-mount. To confess, the more I think of adapting an ancient screw-mount lens to digital, the more intriguing it sounds. :-) (partly the beauty of putting such an ancient lens on such modern technology, partly just the challenge of it, and only lastly "price.") :-)

In this case, I suppose, the more the merrier, not the _one_ "best." :-D
-Jon Glass
Krakow, Poland

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