This weekend I experimented some with my new *ist-DS.

I mounted my Super Takumar 300mm F4, using a K mount adapter, put
the camera in manual focus and 'Av' mode and it seemed to work just fine.

Also tried out my Tamrom SP500mm mirror lens on the camera. Kind
of nice having a 750mm F8 lens available. Setting ASA to
1600 allowed me to use  a shutter speed of 1/1000 sec, which made hand
holding quite easy. Again the camera was in manual focus and 'Av' mode.

If you'd like to see the results from the Tamron I loaded a couple
of images to my website.
Be warned these are quite large files (close to 1Mb) as I didn't
resize them, just increased the compression setting. Two of the
images are with the Tamron SP500mm, the third is with the DA 18-55mm
(@18mm). All the shots were taken from the same place.

Not something I'll use a lot, but it was fun having such a long
lens to play with. There's a fair amount of noise in the '1600' images but
I've discovered that there istD profiles available for Neat Image (v4)
which do an excellent job in reducing it.

I'm really enjoying experimenting with the camera, and I haven't even
started on changing the myraid of possible settings, and comparing
the results.

 Fred Widall,
 Email: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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