I've had my istD for about 7 months. Taken about 2000 images with it in temps 
ranging from 95 to around 20 degree F, in snow, sleet & rain.

So far - no malfunctions at all, some problems with my ignorance though. I have 
no reason to suspect it won't perform as well as the other 6 Pentax bodies I've 
used over the last 36 years.

Kenneth Waller

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Dec 10, 2004 2:49 AM
Subject: Survey:istD reliability

          One last question,i hope, foilks.:-)

Of the folks on this list, or friends of folks on this list:
1- How many have bought the camera and had to return it soon after with a 
malfunction ie:
problems,battery problems,to many hot pixels etc.

I'm curious to see what the ratio might be. I know a few have complained but i 
think for
the most part 
the majority have had little or no problems.

Thanks for your time
No obligation<g>
Keep in mind my choice to aquire the D is for a walkaround digital,not so much 
for work.


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