> Hey Dave I'm not sure I qualify to 
answer your 
question after having the ist 
> D for about a week, but I'm thinking what you got is right....

Looks like that s the case. I'm used to the other camera which gives me these 
numbers in
the file. Just 
a tiny panic mode is all.LOL

> How do you like the camera so far... Did you get that great price from 
> Blacks....

Yes i did. I wont tell you what i paid though.Must have been the last one they 

So far i like it,but have not given it a major test. Just some inside the house 
shots to see what 
works best.It seems to like the FA 28-105 f 4-5.6 though. Focus is about the 
same as the
PZ-1 and in 
house light didi not seem to hunt very much if i gave it some contrast to focus 

> Vic 


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