
how many of those 1000 could be published or, at least, printed in 8"x10" and hanged to your room wall?
For example I shoot every month at least one new digital camera product pictures for our local magazine. Quite often it takes more than 50 images to get 4-6 pictures that I like enough to be published. The same happens in nature - where I would adjust everything carefully to get couple of frames in HQ slide, I shoot tens of images with digital instead. The yield remains approximately the same...

BR, Margus

Fred Widall wrote:

My *ist-DS arrived 3 weeks ago today and I'm amazed to see that
I've shot 1000 images in that period.

The vast majority have been test shots and discarded, but that's
an awful lot of shots by my standards - though I realise that for some of
you that's not a very large total.

With my old 35mm (and even more so with my medium format) gear I
tended to be quite miserly with my shots, taking my time to try and
ensure good exposure and composition in one attempt. I'd average
about one roll a week, unless on vacation or for some special occasion.

Now I'm finding that I fire off a lot of shots in the hope, and
expectation, that I'll get a 'good' image which I can tweak
in Photoshop if need be.

I've changed from a sniper to a machine gunner......

I think I need to slow down and concentrate on the photography,
rather than the technology.

Anyone else finding the same thing ???

Fred Widall,
Email: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
URL: http://www.ist.uwaterloo.ca/~fwwidall

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