On Mon, 3 Jan 2005 21:18:15 -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> I'm Morrighan aka Phantom Queen. <snip>

Hi, P.Q.  Glad you're aboard.  As you can see from the responses so
far, there are still quite a few of us that still own, and
occasionally use older screwmount equipment.

The Tak 1.4 50 is a terrific lens, as long as it's not yellow (Peter's
already discussed that).  In fact, it's a great lens.  They seem to go
for about $30 to $50 on eBay, but really they're worth a lot more than
that;  the fact that there are lots of them around and available keeps
the price down.

Look on the top plate.  You seem to know that it's not an SPII.  It's
likely an SP (the "original" Spotmatic), an SP500 (a lower priced
Spottie with no self-timer or no apparent 1/1000th shutter speed -
although it really exists - long story - there's a "phantom detente"
on the dial that actually is the 1/1000th speed), or an SP1000 (a
lower priced Spottie with no self timer).  Look on the top plate by
the rewind dial for the type of Spotmatic you have.

As someone said, if after installing a battery, you find that the
meter still doesn't work, no worries, the shutter is mechanical - just
get a handheld meter and fire away.

Sounds like you got a great deal for that body and lens for $20.

I have a Yashica Electro 35 as well.  Those lenses are excellent! 
Fast and sharp.  Rangefinders are fun.  I hope you enjoy yours.

Has anyone mentioned our little FAQ/Friendly Guidelines, compiled by
our august member, Tom (Graywolf) Rittenhouse?  Take a look:


We also have a monthly gallery, PUG:


Some of us also enjoy posting photos on list as PAW's and PESO's - see
Tom's FAQ to find out about those.  Getting the comments and critiques
of others is a great way to improve your photograpic skills.  There
are many knowledgeable folks here on the list.

Hopefully, we'll see some photos from you soon!!  

Again, welcome aboard.  We'll be happy to answer any questions you
have about your camera, and ~more~ than happy to suggest new equipment
that you will absolutely need in order to live a happy life.  We call
it enablement.  <g>

And, don't believe anything Mark Roberts says.


"Sharpness is a bourgeois concept."  -Henri Cartier-Bresson

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