Talk about brainless....

(Can we tell I am a digital gal?) 

It just occured to me that if I was able to use the Takumar lens on
the Ricoh that I might be able to use the lens on the Ricoh on the just fine and oddly enough it's apparently the
"wide angle" lens I needed to have a decent lens set for school....I
didn't realize, not knowing this type of lense, that the one on the
Ricoh was a wide angle.  So really I now have a wide angle, 35 MM  (by
Kamero Auto 1:2.8) the 135 MMOlympus EZuiko 1:3.5 and the Super
Takumar 1.14.5 50 MM....
Can't swap them to use with the Yashica, but 2 out of 3 isn't too shabby...

Not bad considering I only put out $20 for the whole kit!  (grin) 

Ya know I am beginning to think that just maybe I am supposed to
become a photographer....All 3 of these are all very nice cameras and
with all this equipment, well, I am beginning to feel a tad "blessed"

Somebody up there wants me to take some pretty pics for a living, I think....

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