On Thursday 20 January 2005 14:54, Tim Sherburne wrote:
> For some reason, this strikes me as hellishly awkward. I'm familiar with
> the Green Button on my MZ-S, and it's nothing like this with M series
> lenses.
> Do any of you D or DS owners find this workflow to be so troubling that it
> interferes with your photography? Perhaps I just need to get rid of the old
> lenses anyway.

It doesn't bug me too much.  Again, I jumped right from an MX to the *ist DS, 
so I never got comfortable with too much convenience.  I take a lot of 
pictures in difficult or outright shitty lighting, and I'm far less bothered 
by the workflow than you seem to think.

Would I have preferred open-aperture metering all the time?  Yeah, I guess. 
But it's not been a dealbreaker, especially considering how the backwards 
compatibility makes it easy to collect decent lenses for modest prices.


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