On Wed, 26 Jan 2005 14:57:32 +0100, Frantisek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> ft> maniplation should be allowed.  A bit of dodging and burning,
> ft> cropping, that's about it.  Even tilting is verboten, AFAIK.
> Tilting? Does that mean that all of my PJ photographs (which are even
> more tilted that all Kratochvil's <g>) are useless now :-( ?
> Or did you mean some other tilting? :)
> Good light!
>            fra

What I meant is that tilting in the darkroom is bad (for
photojournalists, at least).  In other words, the tilt of the photo
(as taken) must be left as is.  No "straightening horizons" or
otherwise changing tilt after the fact.

If you ~took~ the photo tilted, that's okay.  Hell, I do it all the
time!  <vbg>  But then again, I'm not a professional journalist.

BTW, that tilting rule was one that I read on another list somewhere. 
I personally would view it the same as cropping (ie:  okay, but I'd
choose not to do it myself).


"Sharpness is a bourgeois concept."  -Henri Cartier-Bresson

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