I have shot nearly 10.000 pictures with the *ist D on small (256Mb, 512Mb)
So, I have probably changed cards morea than 100 times in all kinds of
conditions (in open nature, in a helicopter, in the dark etc.). I have never
once droped the card. In fact I could have, if the slot was any wider.
So, I geuss it's more about how it FEELS to use the camera.
In reality it's not a problem, once you know how to opreate it.


Jens Bladt

-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
Fra: Jens Bladt [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sendt: 29. januar 2005 13:00
Emne: RE: *istD-flaws

I can certaiinly live with both:
1) The problematic card compartment means, it's a little trickey to get the
car out. And the compartment door sometimes gets caught in the camera strap.
It's all really a matter of habit. And I guess a rather tight card slot
minimizes the risk of getting dirt and moitstur on the contacts.

2) I don't understand the fuzz about the histogram. It's there - post
exposure. High light warning is missing, but I guss a realy reliable and
critical judgment can not me preformed from the LCD, anyway. It's there only
to give a rough clue about what's going on.
I don't use instant replay anyway - I only play back if there's a special
reason to do so. Pressing one more button is not a big deal for me. And I
don't really miss the high light warning.

Jens Bladt

-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
Fra: Peter Smekal [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sendt: 29. januar 2005 12:31
Emne: *istD-flaws

A Luminous Landscape review from 2003 maintains the following:

"Regrettably Pentax has missed the mark with the *ist D ... they can't
ignore ... two serious flaws ‹ a highly problematic card compartment and
the lack of a histogram and highlight alert in post-exposure review mode
(only on subsequent image playback, but not right after taking the shot)
... The latter can probably be fixed with a firmware upgrade. The CF card
eject problem likely needs a body redesign"

Has Pentax fixed these problems in later-produced bodies or through
firmware upgrades?
Peter Sweden

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