I've found the LX autoexposure extremely accurate. Of course in situations that 
aren't neutral, exposure compensation must be applied. That's true of any 
exposure system.

> On Tue, 8 Feb 2005 23:20:31 -0000, Nick Clark
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Yep! You've got me sussed! I put a roll of XP2 through it yesterday.
> > 
> > I discovered why the automatic exposures seemed much quicker than 
> > indicated, 
> so that a 2 second exposure sounded like 1/60th. The aperture was very slow 
> closing down, so the OTF sensor was getting more light and so terminating the 
> exposure. I guess this means automatic exposures will be correct, but manual 
> exposures except at wide apertures will be over-exposed. The problem eased 
> after 
> some use, so I guess it's not a major problem, just some old dried out 
> lubricant.
> > 
> > Great feel to it, but I might look out for a grip, or perhaps make one if I 
> can find a screw of the right guage. I'll need to find some strap lugs too.
> > 
> > It's off to Pentax in the next couple of days. They've quoted £105 for a 
> > full 
> CLA including parts and foam, although I'll get 20% off as a member of the 
> Pentax User Club.
> > 
> I've found that using the camera as a "manual" exposure camera renders
> more consistent exposures than leaving it on "auto".  But, maybe
> that's just me (although I seem to recall similar comments from Robb
> of the Prairies.
> cheers,
> frank
> -- 
> "Sharpness is a bourgeois concept."  -Henri Cartier-Bresson

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