On 19/2/05, Jim Hemenway, discombobulated, unleashed:

>I like this bunch of photos... well done along with an interesting story.

Many thanks Jim.

>I'm unclear on the concept though. If using more than two dogs is now 
>illegal, why are there so many. And, why isn't the policeman doing 
>something about it other than what appears to be traffic control?

It's (apparently) illegal of more than two of the dogs actually flush out
a fox and then kill it. Quite how that is policed is not apparent.

The policeman in the shot was on traffic duty. There was a police Land
Rover parked up with 5 or 6 inside, but they are there to quell any
confrontation between the pro-hunt lobby and the hunt saboteurs, of which
I saw none where I was.

I understand the police intention is that the law will be difficult to
police, and more likely possible future prosecutions will result after
evidence is provided by anti-hunt monitors (of which there are a number)
or other sources. Theirs is a 'softly softly' approach where intelligence
can be gathered and prolific offenders charged accordingly. The police do
not have the resources or manpower to follow the hunt and monitor
progress - aside from the ergonomic difficulties of such a task. It would
literally need a helicopter at each hunt!

Frankly, there are much better things the police force could be doing
IMO, but we live in a democracy, and a law is a law. These things will be
tested in the courts in due course and precedents will be set. There is
inevitably a lot of politics involved - some would say that it's *all*
about politics - but I make no comment....



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