On 19/2/05, Bob W, discombobulated, unleashed:

>> <http://www.cottysnaps.com/snaps/photoessays/essays/huntban.html>
>A fascinating essay. I'm sure there will be a lot of 'The Last Hunt'
>(or 'The First Illegal Hunt') essays doing the rounds soon, but I
>don't think many will be better than yours.

Coming from you Bob, that is a real compliment - thank you very much.

>Your text suggests to me that you are against the ban, rather than
>neutral about it.

I have friends who hunt, and I live in the country so (for example) my
neighbour across the lane has been a real country bumpkin all his life
(he is a retired pest controller). He has taught me a lot that I didn't
know about the country -  including exactly what goes on WRT animals and
hunting. I can see both sides of the coin, but I am also an omnivore and
(for example) I enjoy (say) boning a rabbit for the hot pot, or gutting a
fish for dinner. As I understand it, if fox numbers are not controlled,
they will proliferate and sheep farmers will act accordingly. They will
not be so kind as to ensure a quick death - anyone who has seen animal
traps will know how it goes. It is not pleasant. Nor is poison. However,
this will happen. I know a sheep farmer in the village and he is already
wondering if and when he needs to take action before next winter.

I see no easy solution, but often the status quo, providing it has worked
effectively, is often the best way to go. My problem with any kind of
hunting is - where does one draw the line? Is fishing next?

Note to PDML - Please - these are rhetorical questions and do not need
answering - my last intention is for animosity here - as I say, I merely
took some pics that I thought might be of interest generally. I am
neither pro hunting, nor anti. Being in the media, I have encountered
(sometimes very) outspoken views from both sides, and I really do
sympathise with both sides. At the end of the day, as human masters of
this planet, we must all try and co-exist peacefully, otherwise it all
turns into a right jolly cock-up....



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