Hello David,

Love to take a look, but my browser says the link could not be found.

Best regards,

Thursday, February 24, 2005, 10:30:26 PM, you wrote:

DO> Well, now that I know what PESO means, here's my "every so often" entry. ;)

DO> One of the first shots taken with my Pentax *ist-DS.  I took it using an
DO> SMC Pentax-FA 50mm f/1.4 in natural light ouside under a covered patio,
DO> 1/500th of a second, f/4, ISO400 equivilancy, taken at 6mp in the 
DO> highest quality jpeg mode, cropped to taste, and reduced in size to
DO> something reasonable for web viewing.

DO> http://davido.perlmonks.org/pictures/aileensandy3.jpg

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