In a message dated 3/11/2005 7:25:52 PM Pacific Standard Time, 
OK we've now got quite a few DSLR owners on board with a bit of use behind 
them, how about a quick informal usage survey?

For those DSLR users with 35mm gear who thought before buying their DSLR that 
their 35mm film usage would:

    Remain the same?
    Be halved?
    Become occasional?
    Become specific (i.e. B&W only or high ISO or slide only)?
    Cease all together?
Cease, yes. I really didn't want to scan anymore (and deal with dust).

Did your subsequent actual film use match your prior expectations?

For users who had Pentax SLRs prior to purchasing a Pentax DSLR did you end 
buying one or more new lenses specifically to suite the DSLR?

N/A, but I have a bought a wide angle that is wide enough specifically for 
digital, though it's not designed just for digital -- the Tamron 19-35.

Rob Studdert
Marnie  :-)

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