Rob Studdert wrote:

OK we've now got quite a few DSLR owners on board with a bit of use behind them, how about a quick informal usage survey?

I've only had my *ist-D for about two months but I'll give the few answers I have.

For those DSLR users with 35mm gear who thought before buying their DSLR that their 35mm film usage would:

Remain the same?
Be halved?
Become occasional?
Become specific (i.e. B&W only or high ISO or slide only)?
Cease all together?

I expected that I'd be shooting only slides and B&W mostly B&W.

Did your subsequent actual film use match your prior expectations?

My B&W shooting usually comes in spurts unless I have a specific need for it. I haven't gone long enough to tell
yet. I usually shoot slides for particular reasons. I haven't had a reason lately.

For users who had Pentax SLRs prior to purchasing a Pentax DSLR did you end up buying one or more new lenses specifically to suite the DSLR?

Strangely yes. I bought a Vemar12mm semi-circular fisheye to try and replicate the AOV I could achieve with my SMC Pentax 17mm Fisheye. It's a good match for AOV but not nearly the lens the Pentax is. It suffers from serious color fringing anywhere not near the center of the image circle and it isn't really sharp unless stopped down to f16. I've been using my 20-35mm Zoom as a wide to normal solution. It works perfectly, in fact my last PESO was made with it, it's an exceedingly sharp lens. I still need a rectilinear lens to replace the 20mm AOV of the Zoom, and my 24mm as well (I've been using the 17mm but it's not exactly a perfect solution).


Rob Studdert HURSTVILLE AUSTRALIA Tel +61-2-9554-4110 UTC(GMT) +10 Hours [EMAIL PROTECTED] Pentax user since 1986, PDMLer since 1998

I can understand why mankind hasn't given up war. During a war you get to drive tanks through the sides of buildings and shoot foreigners - two things that are usually frowned on during peacetime.
--P.J. O'Rourke

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