Wednesday, March 16, 2005, 7:08:51 PM, pnstenquist wrote:
pcn> Thibouille opined:
>> I agree but it doesn't change the fact that IMO if one wants roughly
>> the same quality on digital than on 35mm film, it'll probably take
>> 20-30Mpix on a 35mm sized sensor.

pcn> That may be true in theory. I don't find it to be true in
pcn> practice. In my experience, an 11 x 17 print from a carefully
pcn> processed an interpolated *ist D file looks every bit as good to
pcn> the naked eye as a 35mm print. YRMV.

Ok, both of you, please stop now ;-) we don't need any more film vs
digital discussions... or do we?

Good light!

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