
Commenting on the photo in and of itself, my problem with it is that
the woman sort of gets lost down there in the corner.  I know you
wanted to get the majestic statues in there to contrast the old lady,
but I think in doing that she sort of gets lost.

I was going to say, "if I were taking the photo..." and then give some
advice, but I'm not taking the photo, and really, to be fair, I should
only comment on what's being presented. <vbg>

you are hereby allowed to modify this picture in any way you like. :-)

So, I think that the photo as is, is still a good one;  it's a good
idea, to be sure.  But I think it ~could~ be a lot stronger, if done
just a bit differently.

Honestly, I'm really anxious to see (or imagine) your version.

BTW, the comment Bill made about Caveman, refers to a former lister
(he'll be back, we all know it <g>) who really didn't like photos of
so called "street people" at all.  He railed against them every time
one was posted, and IIRC, the last time he took leave of this list was
after a flame war WRT an apparently homeless person.

thank you for explanation. I don't fully understand the fate of these people however I feel it's a big failure of our society. :-(



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