frank theriault wrote:
 > snip snip ...
> BTW, the comment Bill made about Caveman, refers to a former lister
> (he'll be back, we all know it <g>) who really didn't like photos of
> so called "street people" at all.  He railed against them every time
> one was posted, and IIRC, the last time he took leave of this list was
> after a flame war WRT an apparently homeless person.
> That being said, I think you handled the sticky issue of photographing
> the less fortunate well, here.  We can't see her face, and you really
> are trying to make a statement here, not just exploit her, IMHO.  I
> think it's a sensitive photo.
> cheers,
> frank
> --
Bedo, I agree with Frank about the placement of
the woman and your not
disrespecting her because we can't see her face...

but I find the full color of this shot
I think it begs for black and white. (oh dear,
pun really was unintended!)


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