Hello Shel,

First off, I can see the entire photo and caption with no scrolling.

Now on to the pic, the B&W tonal range is very good - another
technically good shot/processing.  Somehow, this shot doesn't quite do
it for me.  I'm thinking that perhaps the angle with the fire just
doesn't show any intensity or something.  The guy on the right must
have some significance, but I am not sure what - participant or
observer?  Perhaps a steeper angle to show the fire going into his
mouth more from the side.  But I do like the context with the sign

Best regards,

Saturday, April 16, 2005, 7:22:52 AM, you wrote:

SB> http://home.earthlink.net/~my-pics/firedrum.html

SB> Caught these entertainers on Market Street in San Francisco.  They were
SB> putting on quite a show.   Comments welcome.  If you'd care to comment,
SB> please let me know if this size allows you to see the entire photo and the
SB> caption without scrolling.  Pic is about 200K.

SB> Tech details: Leica M2, 35mm Summicron f/2.0, Tri-X in Ilford ID-11

SB> Shel 

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