On 4/18/05, Boris Liberman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Frank, the way she looks, I mean piercings and hairstyle, makes me think
> that she will always look straight into the eyes of whatever life will
> throw at her. You know - that rebellious strong-willed kind of attitude.
> Here it is anything but. Which gives strange impression to this work.
> Also the little guy behind her asking "Do you want this war?" and her
> looking down does not add up very nicely.
> Either I am trying to read too much here, or you somehow made some
> mistakes...
> Just my cents...

Thanks, Boris.  I appreciate your thoughts.

I know Leah a little bit, and she's one of those who likes to show a
tough exterior, but there's a soft, vulnerable side to her that comes
out once you get to know her a little bit.

One of the reasons I'm a bit partial to this photo is exactly for the
apparent contradiction between the piercings and the shy, demure look
on her face.  Both are real facets of her personality.

As for the background, well, I thought it was interesting (especially
the word "greed" behind her).  I would never call her greedy, but
maybe that has more to do with human nature in general than her
specifically.  Or, maybe it's just a word on the wall...  <vbg>

As for whether I "made some mistakes", well, I'm just recording what
was there at that time, for better or worse.  <vbg>

Anyway, again, thanks for commenting.  I'm glad the photo made you think.


"Sharpness is a bourgeois concept."  -Henri Cartier-Bresson

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