----- Original Message ----- From: "Paul Stenquist"
Subject: Re: Why and How I switched to Canon (for those who care) long

I don't have an extreme setup. Just a dual 1.25 G4 with 1.5 gig of ram. Conversions are very rapid. I store files on two firewire drives with about 350 gig total capacity and back them up on dvd. Some shots are stored only as 72 meg 8-bit, but I keep all the RAW files as weil. I do two backups of shots I consider extremely important. I'm going to add another 500 gig firewire drive when I start running short on space. Drives are relatively inexpensive these days.

Not sure how that compares to my Athlon. It's a 64 bit processor, I don't know how that benchmarks against a dual.
I also have no ida how much Window slows things down compared to a Mac, if in fact it does.
I just did a forced upgrade on mine, and I bumped the RAM to 3 gig and put in a second SATA drive (I expect this is similar in tranfer speed to a firewire). I gave Photoshop the two SATA drives for swap, and am keeping the Windows pagefile on C.
It seems pretty fast, and as i accidentally found out the other day, it will work a ridiculously large file.
I was playing and created a 3.4 or something stupid gigabyte file, and then hit it with the healing brush.

William Robb

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