My oldest son, the one I mentioned in a post an hour ago, has bought himself
a second hand ME-super in London. It seemed ok in the store, but it failed
shortly after leaving the shop. We had to go home to Norway before the shop
opened again. We tried to send a mail to the shop telling about the problem,
but got no reply. I know, it was a stupid mistake to by a second hand camera
abroad, but we did. 

When winding the camera, nothing happens. The winder simply goes back to
neutral position, and the camera isn't prepared for shooting. Other times it
seems to work ok. After a few exposures, it tends to jam, with the mirror in
open position. Looking inside the house, from front, I see small spots of
rust on top near the screen, and something looking like a bug in a small
hole at the tap the screen rests at (in lower position). In shorts, the
house is full of dirt. My guess is that?s the course off the errors. I took
it to a well reputed shop here in Norway. They said I'd better let it be. A
repair might be expensive, more than the house was worth, they said. 

They are probably right. But this irritates me. I don?t like the idea of
just storing it like a museum object. I want the thing to work. Being a
rather handy person, I wonder about doing it myself. I know there are
resourceful people on this list, with loads of know how. 

I have noticed one funny thing. When winding with no lens attached it works
ok, most of the times trying. With a lens on, error is more frequent. 

So. What's the do and don't? How do I open the thing? And what do I do after
opening it? (Besides scratching myself in my forehead). Anybody who feels a
strong urge to help me, or to point me in the right direction?

Another Norwegian.

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