Shel Belinkoff wrote:
Y'might miss a lot of shots that way - I guess it depends on what you
photograph, but when working the streets y'gotta be fast.  Even taking a
meter reading will slow you down too much sometimes.
A good "street shooter" will assess the light before going to work, and
will know what the proper exposure is in various areas.  No need for
metering - the sunny side of the street is one exposure, shade side
another, doorways may be a third.  It's then just a simple flick of the
finger on the shutter dial, or a quick twist of the aperture ring, and
that's it.
If you're anal, put a filter over your lens, stick on a good hood, and you
don't need a lens cap when you're walking about.

thanks for the tips. The Philly PDML meeting this weekend will be my first experiment with street shooting and I don't know how much I'll actually do. I'll probably take either a wide angle or a 50mm and shoot what looks interesting. It might be 4 rolls and it might be just 6 shots.

99% of my shooting is nature photography off of a tripod. I don't know what the other 1% is because I haven't done any yet.

Tom Reese

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