On Thu, 21 Jun 2001, Kevin Butler wrote:

> The reason I'm bringing this up as an extension to the ebay thread is
> that I'm concerned about the Pentax system, particularly given
> midrange competition like the Canon Elan 7.

One thing to think about: the existence of 'better' or more fully-featured
products does not lessen the quality of yours.  If you're speaking more in
general terms, then Pentax does quite well in the entry-level SLR market
(at least where I come from), though opinions vary about their mid-range
stuff.  The Elan 7's not a bad camera, though its partial metering
doesn't cover a very narrow area and I personally dislike the
interface.  Nikon's F80 is a sweet little camera (with its 1 degree spot
meter), though I would miss the metering with MF lenses.

> To my untrained eye, it appears as though the HSM on many Canon
> lenses, and the IS features on a few, are category killers (the Nikon
> Silent Wave stuff is hideously expensive) and relatively moderately
> priced.

Canon's USM (HSM is a Sigma thing) is a nice feature.  I think most of us
are willing to sacrifice it for the advantages of a Pentax system.  Of
course, if ultra-fast focusing is a necessity, then Canon or Nikon would
probably be the way to go, as they seem to be continually at the forefront
of integrating the latest technology into their equipment.

> As well, the features on the bodies, while perhaps somewhat whiz-bang,
> are relatively comprehensive even on a mid-line model (DoF,

MZ-5n has it (as well as the MZ-3 and Z-1p if you can still find them).

> spot metering,

MZ-5n has a 2.5 degree spot meter.  Nikon F80 does have 1 degree, but
Canon's Elan 7 has something awful like 11 degrees, IIRC.

> MLU,

I don't think any current AF Nikon below the F5 has this, and I don't
think the Elan 7 has it (can't remember for sure).  Pentax's Z-1p has a 2
second self-timer option with MLU, and I can use my Pentax lenses on
several older bodies with MLU.

> really fast AF,

As far as speed goes, I'd put Pentax right up there with any other
mid-range body with a decent lens on it.  In terms of stuff like lock-on
focus tracking I think C and N have them beat.

> and the Elan apparently has nearly silent operation).

It's pretty quiet, yeah.  The MZ bodies are way too noisy for my liking,
especially the AF.

> I know you've seen the question within the last month, but I'm
> wondering what keeps you wedded to the Pentax system - is it the substantial
> investment in glass, or the joy of being able to find older quality MF
> lenses for cheap on occasion?

Hoo boy, this could be a long one.  :)  I'll try to make it

--Excellent quality glass and coatings.

--Excellent body/lens compatibility.  I can put *any* Pentax lens on my
K-mount bodies, ranging from the old 42mm screwmounts (and even the older
37mm Asahiflex lenses) right up to medium format lenses.  Not to mention
that any Pentax K-mount lens (K, M, A, F, and FA series) will work on any
K-mount body (made since 1975).  Neat things like the 1.7x AF adapter
will let me use AF (albeit slow) with MF lenses, and I can interchange MF
and AF bodies and lenses as I choose.

--Pentax tries to offer a different product to Canon and Nikon.  Where C/N
tend to go for full-featured large bodies with similar designs, Pentax has
tried to make more compact cameras with unique designs (Z1-p, MZ-S,
etc.).  They are willing to sacrifice some features like a huge fps count
in favour of others that you just can't find in other brands.  Look at
all the stuff that the Z-1p will do that C/N won't: Hyper modes
(incredible!), side-mounted hotshoe, zoom clip / image size tracking
(gimmicky), MLU with self-timer, etc.  Look at the retro design of the
MZ-5n... try to find that traditional layout in a current AF camera from
Canon or Nikon.  Look at things like the Limited lenses.  Pentax seems to
be putting more thought into offering an actual alternative to C/N, and I
appreciate that.

--I love using older MF equipment, and I love the feel of the
pre-Spotmatic Pentaxes.  Older Canons and Minoltas just don't feel right
to me, and even the Nikons are too large and heavy for my liking.  You
can't beat the feel of a good PSP.

--The LX and Super Program.  'Nuff said.

--Their MedF stuff.  I like the fact that I can use MedF lenses on 35mm
bodies, and try to find MedF equipmetn from Nikon or Canon.  I appreciate
that Pentax is trying to serve that market as well.

--Again, the excellent lenses.  That deserves repeating.  :)

I went into Pentax being fully aware of the advantages and features of the
other brands.  Some of them are nice, and if I was doing work that need a
10fps camera and USM/IS lenses then I would probably be using Nikon or
Canon.  But because I don't need those features, I can look more at what
else the camera systems have to offer, and for my needs Pentax wins hands
down.  I love MF stuff, so Canon's not even a contender due to the changed
lens mount.  I like a lot of Nikon's stuff, but in the end I found that
Pentax had better body/lens compatibility, lower prices, equal if not
better quality glass, and nicer-feeling cameras.  They simply suit my own
needs better.

> I'm certainly not trying to start a jihad, just making the (perhaps
> well-worn) observation that Pentax seems even more conservative with
> lens features than even N----. Hopefully I'm not merely falling victim
> to corporate hype, but I'd be interested by opinions. Apologies if I'm
> treading overly familiar ground, but the situation seemed pertinent to
> ask this as a corollary.

Not a problem; it's a perfectly valid question.  Pentax may not offer USM
and IS (though Canon's IS makes reference to a Pentax patent), but I
prefer the direction Pentax has gone with their Limited series.  I like
the way Pentax has held onto using metal in their mounts (body and
lens) where others haven't (Nikon's not bad for their bodies but many of
their consumer zooms have plastic mounts, and Canons in general are all
plastic).  Advantages to each way, but I happen to prefer Pentax's


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