> My campout vacation pics have some 
> That's not good.
> So I need to clean the sensor.
> What's the recommended method here?
> Collin

Its inevitable dust will haunt us all, except Tom Reese.LOL

I have used with great success a huricane blower,not with brush, and a few hits 
with that
should be
all you need.

My D1 needed a full service clean on the sensor as it had dried spit on it from 
owner.So.....don't use your mouth to blow dust. Veryy bad.:-)

Run a hit or two through the blower before using so any dust or snot(yes yhats 
right) will
not get
on sensore.
Tips. Change lenses in calm air locations when possible. Some suggest, and 
seems to work,
to hold
lens mount down when changing. Make sure batteries in your Ds are fairly 
charged so mirror
lock up,
stays up during cleaning.

I clean mine weekly and have had few problems.

FWIW i change lenses at horse shows out side sometimes and suprisingly, have 
little dust

Hope that helps

Dave Brooks


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