On Aug 22, 2005, at 8:28 AM, John Graves wrote:
Does this all mean that there will be no more firmware updates/ improvements for the DS.....I just received my DS in time for the annoucement. Urrrhhh.

Never never buy a camera and assume that anything further will appear as "update/improvement". Buy a camera on the merits that it possesses when you buy it. I never bought a film camera that was "improved" after the fact of purchase by the manufacturer, not without me spending money to buy an improvement ... Why should this be any different with a digital camera?

The DS, with firmware rev 1.00, was perfectly satisfactory to my needs. Firmware v1.02, the current version, is a gift and adds improvements to functionality, few of which make any difference to my photography (they improved green channel noise for very long exposures such as in astrophotography, they updated the card file system to allow for greater than 1Gbyte storage media, and I suspect they made a minor tweak to the in-camera JPEG rendering algorithm).

BTW, to check your firmware version, press and hold the Menu button while you turn the main power switch on. If you just bought the camera and haven't uploaded the latest firmware, it's likely at v1.00. My second body, received last week or so, was at v1.00. You can download and install v1.02 from the Pentax USA website.


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