At last, russian post has done it's deed... :)

My long wanted MIR-47 2.5/20 is here, at last.

For those not in the know, here it is:

Lately, there was a thread here, that speculated problems with the rear
lens assortment with this lens.  I just put it on my ME Super, and did a
few shots (I will do more, ofcourse).  No such problems, this lens is a
Pentax-modified version, and does not intersect with the camera mirror
not in the least.

I made some close-up pictures of the lens with my digital (sorry, not
Pentax) and will be putting them on the web in the day or two.

           [EMAIL PROTECTED], IRC:[EMAIL PROTECTED], /bin/zsh. C|N>K
Linux moria 2.6.11 #1 Wed Mar 9 19:08:59 CET 2005 i686
 10:15:07 up 28 days,  2:48,  4 users,  load average: 0.44, 0.38, 0.30
Sysop nema Y2K bug.  (C) Domchi 1999.

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