On Wed, Aug 24, 2005 at 01:03:48PM +0100, Steve Jolly wrote:
> Vid Strpic wrote:
> >My long wanted MIR-47 2.5/20 is here, at last.
> >Lately, there was a thread here, that speculated problems with the rear
> >lens assortment with this lens.  I just put it on my ME Super, and did a
> >few shots (I will do more, ofcourse).  No such problems, this lens is a
> >Pentax-modified version, and does not intersect with the camera mirror
> >not in the least.
> I think there's some sample-to-sample variation in this - my (also 
> Pentax-specific) MIR-47 with a filter mounted interferes with the mirror 
> on every camera I've tried it on, including the ME Super and *istDS.

Correction.  With rear filter mounted, it DOES interfere with the mirror

Without the filter the situation is normal, and it seems that unlike
Zenitar, this lens does not NEED to have filter mounted to focus
properly.  But, we'll see when I develop this roll ;)

> I'll be interested to see your photos. :-)

Me too ;)

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