The plan is to meet on October 8th and we'll do a street shooting in
SF.  I'd like to get some ideas and pointers from those familiar with
this genre, so I propose that we meet somewhere and have Shel,
Godfrey, Juan and anyone else who'd like to - present some of their
knowledge to the rest of us.  Then perhaps shoot for awhile, then some
lunch.  More shooting and those who want to, can have dinner together
and we'll call it a day.

Hopefully we can get a few more who haven't been to one of these
before - Jack Davis, comes to mind...Anyone interested please let me
know.  We'll solidify the list of attendees and nail down the times
and location more clearly and send out that to everyone.

Shout out if you're not on this list and would like to be!

Current possible attendees:
Bruce Dayton
Marnie Parker
Shel Belinkoff
Godfrey DiGiorgi
Juan Buhler
Marco Alpert
John Francis
John Celio
Pat Kong

Best regards,

Tuesday, August 30, 2005, 10:05:33 PM, you wrote:

PK> I must be tired.  I read that as a "Pentax Pixie Party". <lol>

PK> I'm off for bed,
PK> Pat in SF

PK> --- Shel Belinkoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> Seems to be we've got that old gang again - Marco, Patsy, Bruce, Godfrey,
>> Marnie, Juan, and one or two others.  Looks like it'll be an all digi
>> gathering this time ;-))  A Pentax Pixel Party <LOL>
>> Shel 

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