In a message dated 9/6/2005 1:44:13 PM Pacific Standard Time, 
a) buy the *istDS
b) wait a little for the DS2 (well, buying from bhphotovideo is cheaper)
c) wait for the DS2 replacement. That could mean... next summer? Or I
can hope to see it at PMA?

WTF, my car is cheaper than a camera <rofl>. No kidding.

Alex Sarbu
Surprisingly, 6mp makes for a very fine picture. 8mp is not much better, and 
most claim they can't see a difference. It has to be more like 12mp before you 
can see a difference.

H_ll, I was tempted by the DS (I have the Canon digital rebel). 

So if I were you, I'd go with the DS if its feature set is good enough for 
you. I doubt they will go lower and they might start disappearing.

My .02 cents.

Marnie aka Doe 

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