On 2005-09-13 12:45, Shel Belinkoff wrote:
> LONG URL's:   Perhaps those posting messages with long URL's can use Tiny
> Url to shorten these addresses .... Please:  http://tinyurl.com/

I prefer long URLs instead of a redirect via tinyurl where I don't know
where I'll end up. However many URLs could be limited. For ebay the item
number alone is sufficient.

> BOTTOM POSTING:  many listers post their replies to the bottom of original
> messages, or at the bottom of a series of replies and threads.  Often the
> post is just a simple "me too" type post, or something simple and short. 
> How about posting such responses ABOVE the messages, and, while you're at
> it, perhaps trimming the messages to reflect just the relevant comments to
> which you're responding.

No. It's a much discussed problem. But when you prefer Top Postings - then
the best is to delete the complete full quote. It won't make any
difference whether it's top or bottom ;-)

Instead of your full quote you should use References/In-Reply-To instead:
(maybe you never noticed them: they are hidden within the header lines)
This is required by the standards and should be included by every email
software as soon as you reply to a message.

<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Top-posting> is a good overview of pro/con

> TRIMMING MESSAGES:  How about taking a moment to delete some earlier
> messages in a thread instead of just automatically including huge amounts
> of text that has to be waded through to finally get to the most recent post.

Exactly. Some people discussed archives recently. Archives could be
improved and compressed significantly by omitting all those fullquotes.
Those quotes are very important for forwarding messages to other people.
However, for replies they mainly show that the poster either did not
understand how email should operate or he does not mind about his readers.


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