NO - I didn't state this before because its so obvious
that I didn't think it needed stating. I am huge
fan of the K/M PENTAX lenses. I really like them
and I really enjoy using them. Some of the best
lenses they ever made are in this series. There
is no sense is disabling them over a $5 part
without ANY compatability issues... I am 
not complaining here I am WARNING people here
what this means but apparently its over their
heads. Pentax has done a 180 and is NOW starting disabling
older products with no compatability issues. If
you cant see that as a WARNING its your loss.
I don't think this list has anything to do 
with Pentax themselves does it? Are they on
the list or something?

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Tuesday, September 20, 2005 3:11 AM
Subject: Re: Rename request

In a message dated 9/19/2005 7:55:04 PM Pacific Standard Time, 
You must not have had the pleasure
of owning and using these K/M lenses
and are playing some selfish game where
you think your $5 savings is more important
than continued support of perfectly working
excellently designed and manufactured lenses
costing much more than the entire body let
alone the $5 part needed to support them fully.
What I can't understand is why you are so incensed. Are you stuck with a 
bunch of K/M lenses that you can't sell?

And do you really believe that constantly complaining here will make Pentax 
change anything?

Marnie aka Doe :-)

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