On Sep 25, 2005, at 2:18 PM, Shel Belinkoff wrote:

... The Minoltas, Nikons, Epson, Canons, and whatnot
that most people use are far from high quality, imo. ...

There I agree with you, and my statements are made based on what I see as output from these scanners, which are affordable and the basis of what I've been doing since the early 1990s.

I can't afford $5K to $20K drum scanners and Imacons, and unless you can (or can afford $100 per scan charges), then the consideration of those who use them is not germaine to what we have to work with as real people with modest resources. I chose to concentrate on the development of techniques and efforts for realistically priced equipment.

The Nikons, Minoltas, Epsons, Canons, whatnot are the "approachable darkroom" of the film->digital world. The high end equipment is generally impractically expensive for even a lot of professionals.


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