On 10/3/05, Boris Liberman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi!
> I recently went for a shoot to Neve Tzedek. Neve Tzedek is The First
> neighborhood of Tel Aviv. That is the city was founded just there...
> This is extremely fascinating place.
> Here is one shot from a little series I shot there. Hebrew writing means
> "The planned electricity outage has been *canceled*"...
> http://www.photosight.ru/photo.php?photoid=1062967&ref=author
> Please click on the image and choose black as a background.
> Thanks.
> As usual the honest and brutal opinions are sought after.

I like the exposure and the composition.  I think my problem is that I
don't know what the heck I'm looking at.  Having the posted notice
explained by you is good, the those things on the wall are unfamiliar
to me.  Not knowing what they are or what they're for leaves me
looking at the photo in terms of pure composition and no context.

Like I said, I do like the composition, but without that context,
there's not enough there to help me to really enjoy it as much as I
think I could.  I think there's a cultural gulf that I need to cross


"Sharpness is a bourgeois concept."  -Henri Cartier-Bresson

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