I am the one who argues that this 13% thing is bull. Take
your incident meter and meter a gray card in reflected mode.
Then take an incident mode reading. The readings will be the
same. If the meter was calibrated for 13% gray the readings
would be different because that dome is definitely 18%
transmitance. No, Herbert Klepper had an article in Modern
Photography back sometime in the seventies is seems like
that had the 13% bs in it and every one who pretends to be
and expert has continue that erroneous bs since.

If I hadn't wanted to build a meter checker for myself and
found out about the 8x ND filter used to bring the reference
bulb down to the proper level to place the meter cell in the
center of its I might have gone for it. In fact I almost did
this time before I actually read Bob Shell's sidebar about
this and remembered.

As for the regrets Paul mentions, Caucasian skin is one stop
brighter than 18% e.g. 36% not the other way around.

I find it interesting that all the exposure fanatics over
all the years before someone found out that all the exposure
meters in the world were off by a half a stop never noticed
that. Not even back in the days when film barely had the
exposure latitude to cover a half stop error. Of course you
guys can believe what you want, but you are still comparing
apples to oranges as I said in my "Ah ha" post. Believe me,
with modern film you won't notice a half stop error.


> Let me see if I understand.
> Cameras are calibrated for 13 percent. 13 percent is darker than 18
> percent. So, if you meter from a 18 percent graycard, the meter will try to
> make it darker, then you increase the exposure by a third or half stop.
> I'm doing it right?
> Somebody knows if ALL cameras and ALL incident meters are calibrated for 13
> percent? All Asahi cameras or just modern ones? All meters? Gossen?
> Albano, a bit confused
> -
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