Hello Shel,

My thoughts were brought to the surface by the new round of
lamentations.  I do find it amusing that the competition is Canon.
None of the other manufacturers are doing tons better than Pentax at
the moment - for bringing out new, competitive equipment.

There have been a some who comment negatively that I am still waiting
to see their work to show how they are unable to get the shots they
want because of lack of technology.  I suspect most are due to lack of
skill.  Those who have truly found the roadblock have purchased
another system.

As to buffer for the D - it is 5 frames of raw (if you turn off NR,
you get 6).  The write speed with Lexar WA 40X cards is about 7-8
seconds per frame.  This is an area that the DS has improved a fair
bit.  I was thinking it was about 3 seconds.

As to the lag time on the shutter - this has mostly to do with split
second timing - basically when everything is set manually, so all the
camera has to do is fire the shutter, there is still a tiny lag time
(measured in milliseconds) from pressing to when the shutter actually
fires.  I have heard that both the Nikon D2H and D2X are very fast.
Of course, we are talking a slightly different class of camera here.

Anyway, when I don't take the shots I want, it is mostly due to my
lack of skill or creativity.  Out of all the cameras I have owned
since I was 16 years old, the only one I truly hated was a Canon A-1.
Nothing wrong with it, but I wanted to work one way and it was
designed about as opposite from me as possible.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005, 11:08:37 AM, you wrote:

SB> Hi Bruce ...

SB> I'd been thinking a bit about your comments even before you posted this
SB> message.  Pentax has worked for me since 1967. Some Pentax models didn't
SB> appeal to me at all, so i didn't choose to buy or use them.  There was
SB> almost two decades where what Pentax offered just didn't cut it for me.
SB> However, all the cameras I'd bought previously, or earlier models that I
SB> bought later (for example, I got a KM within the last year) have been quite
SB> satisfactory.

SB> Just a couple of questions/comments:

>> Large buffer/fast write times

SB> How many shots can the istD handle in its buffer?  The DS is supposed to
SB> take five RAW images, but if I space my exposures by about a second or a
SB> second and a half  instead of machine gunning, I can capture eight frames,
SB> and that's with a slow SD card.  Perhaps with a faster card the buffer
SB> might empty faster and even more frames can be captured.

>> low shutter lag time

SB> What's the lag time on the D?  The DS seems OK, but I've been comparing it
SB> to the Sony.  Sometimes I think it's a little slow, but that's just a
SB> subjective "feeling." Not made any comparisons to the Leica or other Pentax
SB> bodies.  Do you know if the DS has less lag time?  I'd think that if you
SB> were shooting in straight manual mode response time might be a little
SB> quicker than when using auto focus and other features.

SB> I wonder how many people here who lament the absence of image stabilization
SB> would really need the feature.  It seems like a nice thing to have for
SB> certain types of photos, but judging by the pics in the PUG/PAW/PESO/GESO,
SB> not too many would benefit from the feature.

SB> Anyway, I'd like to see your comments open a good discussion about what
SB> features people actually use, and under what circumstance, rather than
SB> people just lambasting Pentax because they don't offer such features.
SB> Being a newbie to auto focus and cameras that can make several exposures in
SB> succession, I'm quite satisfied with everything Pentax offers.  I can't
SB> think of anything more I'd want ... most of the time i can't even find use
SB> the standard features.

SB> I will say this, though, being able to use faster memory cards or have a
SB> buffer with a larger capacity that can empty faster might be useful for me,
SB> although, in the entire time I've had the DS, I've only found the need for
SB> that once, and that was just as much my fault for trying to machine gun a
SB> scene instead of taking my more usual, deliberate approach.  But even so,
SB> with a deliberate approach I can still only get about eight frames.  When I
SB> want a lot of fast frames, I can use any one of a number of manual cameras
SB> an leave the DS in the dust.  I don't know what Canon or Nikon can do, but
SB> it seems that any digi will, at some point, need time to clear the buffer,
SB> so this is more a digi thing than a Pentax thing.

SB> Shel 

>> [Original Message]
>> From: Bruce Dayton 

>> I love my cameras and lenses!  They are not perfect, but I have no
>> interest or desire to switch to another brand.  In the past I have
>> used Olympus, Canon, Pentax and Nikon.  And Pentax is where I ended
>> up.  I like their interfaces and lenses.
>> I was thinking this morning about the difference between skill and
>> technology.  I will grant that there are some images that would be
>> very difficult to capture without certain technology.
>> It might be fun to compile a list of technology that can't be had in a
>> a Pentax body, and then figure out what images require that technology
>> rather than skill to capture.
>> The way I figure right now Pentax is missing:
>> Image stabilization
>> Image tracking AF (comparable to high end Canon/Nikon)
>> High frame/sec rate
>> Large buffer/fast write times
>> low shutter lag time
>> Where they are in the forefront compared to other systems in a similar
>> price range is:
>> usable viewfinder (manual focus)
>> SMC coatings
>> HyperProgram/Manual
>> So far, for me, I have been doing:
>> Nature
>> Scenics
>> Kids sports
>> Portraits
>> Weddings
>> In all but kids sports, I manually focus - so the viewfinder on the
>> Pentax is a positive over other brands in price range
>> I find that the buffer size and write speed does cause a few problems
>> here and there when a sequence needs more shots than the buffer - this
>> is not machine gun stuff, but something like wedding processional
>> where 6-8 couples walk down the aisle one after the other.  The shots
>> may be 2-3 seconds apart, but the buffer fills and I can miss a shot
>> or two this way.  Or when a base stealing occurs - shot over at first
>> for the start of the steal,  couple of shots sliding into second and
>> then an overthrow so the runner is up an running to third and slide.
>> There are times when I'll have an order for a 16X20 - 20X30 print
>> where it would be nice to have a little more resolution - it's
>> liveable, but not ideal.
>> So for my usage, Pentax is not doing to badly.  If I had Nikon, I
>> would be in no better shape - with nothing between a D70 (not a usable
>> camera for me - horrible viewfinder) and a D2x (can't afford it), I
>> would still be nursing along the old D100, waiting for them to
>> actually put out a mid level replacment.
>> Any others care to comment?
>> -- 
>> Bruce
>> Tuesday, October 25, 2005, 7:10:42 PM, you wrote:
>> TR> Why don't you all just change the group to Pentax Dissing Mailing
SB> List?
>> TR> Does anyone on this list like their products besides me?
>> TR> I'm sick of all this whining and complaining. You all sound like a
SB> bunch of
>> TR> four year olds.
>> TR> Pentax makes great lenses. They're trying to catch up with the new
SB> body
>> TR> that's in the pipeline. Give them a break for crissakes.
>> TR> Tom Reese

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