When I don't have a card in the camera, the LCD screen constantlyreads "No Card 
in Camera". However, this does not prevent me fromchanging settings. I can 
readily access the menu, change the F stopsetting in my custom menu, and then 
hit the menu button again (twice)to exit the menu. This changes my settings, 
but the LCD screen willcontinue to remind me that there is no card in my 
camera. If your istDoperates differently from mine there may be something odd 
going on?
Also as a reminder there is a function that prevents you from doing ashutter 
release unless there is a card in the camera -- I doubt thisis your problem 
since the function is left off unless you with toactivate it. But I just wanted 
to mention it as a related topic.
Good luck..
On 10/27/05, Don Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:> I've tried again to set 
the custom> function 'F stop other than A' and get> the same message each time. 
No card in> Camera. If OK is pressed again -- nothing.>> Don>> By the way I 
sold my very first Pentax,> an ME Super in beautiful condition, on> eBay last 
week -- and a P30 as well. I> have one more P30 here in very clean> condition 
if anyone is interested. After> this my Pentax arsenal will comprise:>> A P30T 
almost new> An MZ50 in wonderful shape> The new *ist D>> plus a cupboard full 
of lenses (one> autofocus) and some of them A. I could> part with a couple of 
shorter zooms if> anyone is interested.>> Don>> Don Williams wrote:> > That's 
kind of you but the one that's on the way from NJ will probably> > get here in 
a few days. I just couldn't bring myself to pay 69€ (here in> > Finland) for a 
card when I could get the same one for $12 plus postage> > of $8. I'll get more 
of them in due course but since the camera!
  will be> > on a microscope most of the time one 512 will do till next spring. 
Then> > I'll need several.> >> > skye wrote:> >> eh? I can make menu changes 
without a card in the camera. Do I have a> >> super special D?> >>> >> I have a 
spare 8MB card you can have if you like.> >>> >> On 10/26/05, Don Williams 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:> >>> I have discovered that almost nothing> >>> 
works without a card in the camera. No> >>> menu changes can be made. Using 
the> >>> remote program the camera will expose a> >>> frame (***L) then 
download it to the PC> >>> and that's about all.> >>>> >>> Don> >>> --> >>> Dr 
E D F Williams> >>> _______________________________> >>> 
http://personal.inet.fi/cool/don.williams> >>> See feature: The Cement Company 
from Hell> >>> Updated: Photomicro Link -- 18 05 2005> >>>> >>>> >>> >>> >>> 
>>> --> Dr E D F Williams> _______________________________> 
http://personal.inet.fi/cool/don.williams> See feature: The Cement Company from 
Hell> Updated: P!
 hotomicro Link -- 18 05 2005>>

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